Signature Bouquet
Our Standard Bouquet is a great option if you're looking for something a little smaller or less grand than our Lush bouquet. It's still packed with beautiful seasonal blooms and finished with dreamy chiffon ribbon.
Choose your favorite color scheme, select your desired pickup date, and checkout directly online! Your flowers will be packed up and ready to load into your vehicle during our store hours.
Flowers vary due to seasonal availability. Cottagecore is pictured.
Color Palette Options
- Wild Child: Wild, brighter colors. Purple, pink, yellow, and orange tones. This is our bright and fun color palette filled with deeper tones!
- Classic Whites: Sophisticated, classic and elegant. This color palette is filled with simple whites and greens for a timeless look.
- Cottagecore: Mix of pastels and delicate pops of color. Very whimsical and perfect for someone who enjoys more delicate and muted tones.
- Champagne Problems: Blushy and neutral tones with touches of cream. Just like the bubbly you'll be drinking on your special day!
- October Sky: Autumnal tones of toffees, chestnuts, deep burgundies, and olives, with touches of butter yellows and blush to add dimension.
Prix Fix FAQ
Why can’t I make customizations?
Our Prix Fixe items are carefully crafted and priced to offer a balance of quality, style, and affordability. To maintain these standards and keep the process efficient, we are unable to offer customizations for these particular items.
By focusing on certain color palettes and products, we can ensure quick turnaround times and consistent quality for all customers. However, if you have specific customization requests, we encourage you to explore our full service option, where we can work with you to create a unique and personalized product tailored to your preferences.
What can I expect during the pickup process?
Your order will be packed up in boxes and ready to load into your vehicle by 10am on the day you selected. All bouquets and arrangements will be in vases to ensure a constant water source until they’re needed. If you are picking up ahead of the event date, some items might require water replenishment, which we will go over in person. Any mechanics needed (like zip ties for arch pieces) will be provided.